October 23, 2010

oh my gourd

Every fall my friend Laura paints gourds for Halloween. They are the COOLEST and they sell like hotcakes. How can you resist these gouly gourds? If you're in the Marlboro area, go buy some at Trombetta's Garden Center and have some delicious homemade ice cream while you're at it. These gourds look like evil friends. AWESOME!

October 22, 2010

excuse me...

...while I retire to my fur-lined sensory deprivation skull designed by Joep van Lieshout of Atelier Van Lieshout. I'll take one please.

October 20, 2010

Disc-O-Teen Halloween show, 1967

Disc-O-Teen was a local, afternoon, dance show from Newark, New Jersey that aired from 1965-1967. Here's a 1967 Halloween episode featuring Alex Chilton and The Box Tops. Alex died this year at the age of 59. He was only 17-years-old in this clip. Here's more info.

October 8, 2010

completely awful song...

...but excellent footage of The Buddy Deane Show circa 1962. Some chick is singing a horrible song that she wrote. This was at the beginning of the dance craze era that started with the Twist, The Pony and Mashed Potato. Where in the crowd is the Amber Von Tussle character? They all look like secretaries. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!