June 24, 2023

Peyton Place

Micky Dolenz is a convincing creep in this 1965 episode.
Peyton Place (1964-1969) was the first prime time soap opera airing three times a week at one point. Ryan O'Neal and Mia Farrow starred as young people living in a seaside town in Massachusetts.

The 1957 film was born from the 1956 novel. The 1961 film "Return to Peyton Place" was based on the 1959 sequel of the same name.

June 17, 2023


Without the Rain we wouldn't have flowers and there would be no Flower Children Land. This is the actress on Welcome Back,
– a show I never missed during its 1975-1979 run.

June 10, 2023

I Can Hear the Grass Grow

Welcome summer. Looks like The Move shopped on Carnaby Street.

Way out is way in on Carnaby Street in 1967
A mixed boutique, 1966
What's new in 1965?
Who's the best-dressed entertainer of 1969?
A Carnaby Street fashion show in 1966
Les Move on French tv, 1967
The heartthrob of housewives visits Carnaby Street, 1968
What's your style: murderous bank robber or hippie hillbilly?

June 3, 2023

hey Babs

Ditch old Barbie for a more provocative version. What up, Marcia?